We always look one step ahead and propose the necessary maintenance for our machines so that they will retain their high quality.

T・I・E's care for its products continues even after their delivery to customers. We pay close attention to the environment in which a machine is used. Our know-how allows us to provide maintenance proposals, one step ahead, for our customers.

  • POINT 01

    After the delivery of products, T・I・E gives detailed instructions to customers as to the points of the machines(s) requiring close attention, a list of replacement parts, etc.

  • POINT 02

    Should any mechanical trouble arise, we can always be contacted by phone.
    We will then assess the seriousness of the problem immediately and respsond with the quickest solution.
    After the cause of any trouble has been identified, we will also suggest recurrence-prevention measures.

  • POINT 03

    As required, we may conduct a survey on the condition of our machines and continue to listen to the voice of our customers. Their opinions will then be reflected in our future maintenance services and for the development of new products.

